Monday 26 January 2015

Short Story: Befriending A Fly

The Boy was reading something or other on the monitor, highlighting and unhighlighting words as he read them as he tended to do. A fly landed onto the screen - it appeared as a tiny silhouette on a screen of bright white. The Boy took little interest in it as he read.

Midway through whatever it was he was reading, the Boy's attention changed to the fly which was still idle where it had first landed. He moved the mouse cursor to where the fly was. It reacted straight away by moving slightly up the screen. The Boy moved the cursor onto the fly again and again it moved. 

This continued on for a short time. It was the first time the Boy had thought about the inner workings of a fly's mind. The fly eventually leaped (hovered?) onto the Boy's desk, below the monitor. The Boy put his finger down next to the fly, expecting it to attach itself like a spider would. The fly instead jumped (flew?) to the other side of the finger. The Boy started to alternate between putting his fingers to the right or left of the fly, always with the fly jumping over. The Boy felt like he had made a connection with the fly. 

The Boy then squished the fly with his thump, its orange-ish magma coloured blood oozing onto the desk, and the Boy got back to reading whatever it was he had been reading.  

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